Mobile Phone and iPad workshop for Senior Citizens week
On the morning of Thursday 21st March, Mrs Sarah Dawson and Rachel Thompson accompanied 7 senior school students on a trip to the Banora Point Community Centre. The purpose of the trip was for the students to run mobile phone and iPad workshops for local senior citizens interested in improving their skills in using the new technology. The event had been organised by Lyn Porter of the Banora Point Community centre as part of the activities in the Tweed for Senior Citizens week. The workshop was well attended and many of the seniors commented on how helpful, patient and knowledgeable the Pacific Coast students were. A big thank you also to Mrs. Dawson for coming along and being the iPad expert! Well done to Cameron, Joseph, Ryan, Josh, Caitlin, Sophie and Emma – you can be proud of yourselves for your willingness to serve and the way you represented our school. We are looking forward to the technology workshops becoming a monthly community service that we provide.